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Carey Wong

睇過好多不同店舖的首飾,最終選擇了 La Mia Moda。主要是他們的款式較特別、熌爍中又簡約,非常配合我的要求。更重要的是他們的服務態度良好,取首飾及還首飾非常方便。我個人非常滿意。

Theresa Szeto

好喜歡你地公司既首飾, 店內的選擇比綱上看見的還要多, 而且款色多元化, 有隆重, 又有簡約高貴, 某些款還有唔同顏色選擇,  貨品保養得好好, 實物質素同網上見到的沒有分別, 租左其中一條有類似綠寶既閃石款, 實物真係好閃但好自然.  另外珍珠錬, 都好有光澤, 以售價來說, 好吸引 , 所以我同媽咪每人買左1條.  仲有好欣賞預約後到訪時, 貴店只會serve booking 時間內的客人, 所以客人如果想露肩試款, 都可以放心, 好有私人空間, 好細心, 值得推薦的好店!!

Teresa Wong

The jewellery are very beautiful, make me shine!!

Thank you, La Mia Moda!

Vivian Lam

I really want to praise the quality of both the service and product quality of La Mia Moda. When I first saw her products on the facebook, I loved it so much. Therefore, I immediately booked the time for selection with my mum. As my expectation, the sales lady was very considerate and even suggested the jewllery to match with my gowns.


I was really happy and lucky to get these service & high quality products with this cost, and would highly recommend La Mia Moda to my friends!

Zica Tam

試過喺街外搵過其他首飾,但始終覺得 la mia moda 嘅款式時尚、品質高。最終除租用左 3 套首飾,更買左條手鏈自用...真係越睇越鍾意!


我個個姐妹都讚 " In my heart" 首飾好靚之餘,品質仲好好。最重要係d首飾既款式唔common, 所以好多人以為d首飾係我私伙,無諗過係租既。

Ms Li

我個人偏愛簡單而高貴嘅款式,所以上淘寶睇過眾多首飾後,已經知我要嘅係一條珍珠鍊。不過budget有限,我當然冇可能買一條mikomoto啦!而淘寶亦比較難遇到我的the one。


偶然上facebook亂search,發現La Mia Moda,一㩒入去睇佢地嘅products就已經俾Endless Love Set深深吸引,不過仲有一年多先係big day,就打算慢慢睇,點知一年後,我最終都係選擇左La Mia Moda。


記得預約上去睇首飾果日,我二話不說已經要試Endless Love Set,不過我身型偏小嘅關係,同條鍊唔太match,我當時已經諗,唔通要我屈服,揀閃石?負責人好細心,又有經驗,佢推薦的另一條,珠比較細,我戴起來match之餘,睇落仲冇咁成熟,配合返我年紀。我就知道係佢喇!



Wing Lau

知道婚紗店可供租借的首飾質素不夠好,於是立刻上網找,結果即刻被La Mia Moda的產品吸引。


Wing Chan

我是去年12 月2 日結婚的!感謝La Mia Moda 的Ms Cheng 為我向媽媽挑選了漂亮的首飾,配合婚紗晚裝,讓我倆都光芒四射!衷心感覺La Mia Moda!!

Man Hiu

Wearing such a nice and elegant necklace set, I finally believe that its my turn to be the pretty bride. Thanks La Mia Moda!

Ivy Chan

Liz you're superb thanks for your excellent service and I'm so glad that I have my jewelry taken care of on my wedding day!


Will definitely come back with my friends who need to find nice jewelry at good price!

Polly Law

Here I would like to share my appreciated for the kind service and great quality of product which your company offered for my pre-wedding Photo.

Billion of support to your group and many thanks for your help again.

Ling Ma

很多謝La Mia Moda幫忙搜尋最好的首飾,為披嫁衣的朋友們增添閃爍,亮麗。La Mia Moda除了為客人挑選首飾外,還提供不同意見,務求達致最好。 在此衷心感謝!

Idy Lau

我喺13年1月結婚的,我覺得喺La Mia Moda租首飾真係無揀錯,款式好時尚好多選擇,而且好閃好靚,睇起來又好高貴,最緊要價錢合理!同埋佢地嘅staff真係好好人,好有耐性,告訴我邊套婚紗晚裝襯邊套首飾,最重要係佢地唔hard sell ,意見專業,戴得一般又會坦白告訴我,唔會係咪都讚我戴得靚!


我知道好多新娘子一心focus喺件婚紗晚裝的款式,首飾方面就隨便用婚紗晚裝店舖提供的,我自己起初都是這樣想的,有好多朋友都說不用花錢再喺其他地方租啦!但我睇完La Mia Moda的首飾真係好吸引,就覺得既然我花左咁多心機時間去揀自己嘅婚紗,點解唔追求多少少喺首飾度,令自己當日更加完美呢!我選的是plain lace魚尾婚紗 ,La Mia Moda租借首飾 嘅staff挑選了一套水滴型的首飾,整體出來的效果令成個感覺來得更古典更高雅!我肯定如果我求其用左婚紗店的首飾我一定反悔,所以我真係會推薦La Mia Moda俾我的準新娘子朋友們,希望所有黎緊的準新娘子都可以喺big day 果日盡顯最美的一面啦^^

Connie Hui

I'd like to say you give very good and professional advice to me when I choose my jewelry. There are sooooo many different styles to choose from that are sure to match anyone's needs.


The conditions of the jewelry are excellent, very shiny and grand, not to mention your shop location is very ideal for pick-up and return.


Highly recommended!!

Jannet Chan

Very good services with many selections, but fair prices only.

Highly recommend & SUPER LIKE :XD

Hope can visit your shop very soon ^^

想話番你知...我未來99好like我之前買果對貝類型耳環...呢幾百蚊使得我好開心呀 ^^

我有介紹埋俾WoW友同就黎結婚既朋友仔黎睇架, 仲啱啱幫你地喺ESD Forum度宣傳添 :P

BTW, 你地介紹果間fotop我都好like, 諗緊影唔影多輯pre-wedding, 不過要同男友再度下個budget先 :P

Queenie Yuen

So so happpy to find my accessories here!! I'm so surprise and happy to find this shop!! all the accessories are so beautiful and its really really so excellent service from Liz, thank you so much with all your advise and help!! Its really highly recommend, their accessories are so beautiful!! n_n


I picked La Mia Moda because of its quality service. The sales of the shop really provide a professional advice to fulfill my needs.


Even after my wedding, I kept visit the shop for stylish accessories. Highly recommend the shop to everyone!!!!

Sonia Cheung

I would like to take this chance saying thank you to your service and the jewellery made me look specially charm and sharp on my big date :)

Virginia Tong

I bought the Leaf necklace and bracelet.  They are so beautiful and shiny.  Thank you so much for your introduction.

Tabo Chan

極力推界! 估唔用o甘價錢, 租到套頸鏈同耳環,仲忍唔住手買多套! 唔該晒!

Connie Jim


全塲矚目! Thank you!

Zabo Chung

Greatly appreciate your help!

Excellent service Excellent product. Thanks~~

Viva Kam

Thanks Liz, beautiful jewelry with great service.

Tammy Tsang

Nice Jewellery & excellent sell service provided~!

Josephine Li

Great service !! Great products !!


Kamama Kwong

The accessories so nice here! Thx^^

Kitman Kit

Good services and products

Maureen Tan

Very nice selections & services :>

Mag Chau

Good quality. The sales girl is good service. Thank you La Mia Moda .

Carla Kwun

Good service, nice product ^^

Maggie Wong

Thanks very much, good quality and look grand~~

Connie Chan

Love the unique design!

Grace Pang

Good quality products and excellent service!





Karen Wong

very nice

aries christy

Thanks~! The necklace is very pretty :)


貨品收到了,很美麗, Good seller。謝謝!


Nice product & nice seller!! Tks.

Tin Yok





Very nice ^^


Very nice seller...will come back next time.


Amazing products, thanks!


收到了, 同實圖一樣,非常滿意呢!! :) ~有禮,值得推薦。




忍不住! 買多個!! 超讚!!


收到啦, 好靚, 很感激!


Super good product!! And the price is much cheaper than the retail. Highly recommended!